About The Essence of Tango Instructors
David's Tango Story
Coming from a non-dance background with little understanding of music, my start to dancing was VERY slow. Starting with Ballroom Dancing in my early 30’s, my teachers showed great patience and encouraged me to persist and that I did.
A number of years later, I come across Argentine Tango whilst on holidays and quickly enquired about this ‘new’ dance. I quickly become totally absorbed with Tango and upon returning home, pursued opportunities to learn as quickly as possible. Once again it was slow going but I find that helps a lot now as a teacher as I understand the process that some students need to go through.
Through many lessons and classes myself, initially in Sydney and Brisbane and more recently in Argentina and countries within Europe and Asia, I continue to develop my tango and in turn provide better quality teaching to my students.
I love the connection that comes with tango, not only with your dance partner, but also with the music and your own self, both physically and emotionally. I look forward to sharing the beauty of tango with all of our students and experiencing their progress and the joy that tango brings to each individual.

Anita's Tango Story
My introduction to the Argentine tango came later into my life when I was living in the Bayside suburbs of Brisbane. Because I had more time to follow my passions and to explore new activities after my children had grown up, I decided to try some latin dance lessons after discovering a local group practicing at a sports club near me. Even though I had no formal dance background and had never tried any dance lessons before, I had previously enjoyed playing soccer, horseriding, and martial arts and Zumba fitness classes. I love the challenge of learning new activities that involve both body and mind so learning to dance seemed like it ticked all the boxes. After my very first lesson, I realised that dancing was going to give me great joy and happiness. It was fun, stimulating, and I new then that a whole new world had opened up to me. I had found a lovely group of friends to socialize and dance with. I began learning lots of different latin styles over the following 6 months.
Then a couple of Argentine Tango dancers were invited to give a demonstration at our club, and I was absolutely mesmorized by the engagement and connection through the music and the sensual movements of the dance. In that moment, I knew that this was the dance that I wanted to explore further…so I filled my evenings and weekends in the pursuit of understanding the Argentine tango. Initially the music was quite foreign to me and it took a lot of focus and attentive listening to discern the rhythms and sounds of the different orchestras, instruments and songs. Learning to move my body in a whole new way is incredibly challenging and engaging. It requires practice and commitment. But dancing to the music in an embrace with another person can be such a creative and enjoyable experience. The social tango dance is created in the moment by both leader and follower so there aren’t routines or choreographed moves, therefore techniques and body communication are fundamental to understanding the flow of energy on the dance floor.
I now enjoy teaching and passing on what I have learnt to our students.
Begin Your Tango Story
Are you ready to discover the connection and fun of Argentine Tango?
Then we invite you to enrol in our Brisbane Tango classes today. Call David on 0419 665 046 or get in contact via our contact form
We look forward to joining you as you embark on your own Tango story.